Planning Internal Structural Alterations
Please use the links provided to help you plan your property refurbishment alterations before you proceed..
Can I restructure the interior of my home?
We all have hopes and wishes regarding our homes, however you may be surprised that what you want is already within what you have. Internal alterations can drastically change your home for the better. We have worked with local authorities throughout Manchester, Cheshire, and Cheshire so you can be assured we already know what they want, we just want to know what you want!
Think of your house as a shell, a blank canvas and start to imagine. This may sound a little extreme, expensive, messy and stressful! We at Moorways Building Contractors’s start with this idea then with your thoughts and our technical assistance we rebuild your home internally to the home you want.
Designed to meet your requirements
Your home may require a complete re design, it may simply be a few walls removed and a few more constructed - take a little space from here and add it to there. Where the kitchen is sited at the moment would far better suit a dining room, or where the lounge is at the moment may better be suited as a study. What ever you want we can achieve this with out as much mess and upheaval as you think. It is all about planning - completing one area, one room, to a desired design, then moving on to the others. You probably need not even move out!
Our 3D plans can be loaded on to a computer and rotated 360 degrees, making walls transparent so you can see from one room how you could move through to another. Getting it right in the planning stage is vital, so the more time we spend there the less time we spend on site, meaning you get what you want faster.
Quality assured throughout
All our projects are initially designed by our in-house designers, then those designs are sent to our Structural engineers who calculate what we need and where we must put it - steel beams, structural timbers, and grades of insulation are all included within these calculations.
Plumbing and electrical alterations have very strict regulations that must be followed to keep your project in accordance with local authorities. Our trades men plumbers are all Corgi registered and our electricians are NIC EIC with part “P” certification; therefore you get a top quality tradesman or woman with the guarantee that everything will meet local authority approval.